I’ve owned at least 12 copies of Walt Whitman’s Leaves of Grass since I first stumbled upon it at age 16. And though each edition may have a different cover or an updated intro, all of my copies have one quote highlighted: “Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes.”

I’ve never enjoyed writing my own biography because there isn’t one trait that defines me. I am a writer. I am a cinephile. I am a collector of old horror magazines. I am a reader of Camus, Murakami, Carver, Hemingway, Whitman. I have an affinity for old rock n’ roll and 35mm cameras. I am curious, passionate, dependable. I don’t believe education ever truly ends. I contain multitudes.

However, if I had to pick one thing I wanted everyone to know about me, I suppose it’d be that I am not just a storyteller, but also a story listener. I want to create and hear amazing stories. I want to move and to be moved. I want to challenge and to be challenged. That’s what life is really about, isn’t it? Collaborating and pushing toward something greater.

Now for some more basic information:

  • I grew up in Atlanta, GA and graduated from Georgia State University with a BA in Journalism and a BA in Film & Television.
  • In college, I was the Vice President of PRSSA, the President of the Film Club and interned for United Way.
  • After college, I interned for Metamorphose Films before taking an internship position in Austin, TX at Edelman.
  • I spent 3 1/2 years at Edelman on the Digital team, moving from Intern to Assistant Account Executive to Account Executive. At Edelman, I worked with major brands on cross-channel social campaigns, paid social efforts, content creation and strategy.
  • In August 2016, I began working as a freelance digital consultant, helping small businesses with social strategy and copywriting.
  • I now reside in Los Angeles, CA where I am finally surrounded by the palm trees, movie studios and horrible traffic I’ve always dreamed about.

I’m ready for my next challenge. Let’s collaborate!